- In order to be accepted, your product must be in perfect condition - please consult our trade-in conditions.
- Select the items you wish to sell back to us, then follow the online steps to create your account and identify the products you wish to trade in.
- Once the trade-in request has been generated, simply print out the transfer note, sign it, and insert it in your parcel.
- You must send us your items by post using the pre-paid label provided. Return your packaged products to us in the box of your choice.
- As soon as we receive your parcel, our Quality Experts will check the condition of your items. If the trade-in conditions are met, you will be notified by email within 15 days and you will receive your credit to your second-hand account.
- By logging on to the "My credit" section in your Second-Hand customer area, you can generate one or more vouchers, valid for 12 months from the date of issue:
- in stores Soeur
- online on soeur.fr or secondhand.soeur.fr
- If several of your items have been accepted, you will be credited with an amount corresponding to the value of all the accepted items.